Marianne Kalinke, Found in Translation: Itinerant French Epics in Medieval Scandinavia (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2024)
This splendid volume presents the first English translations of four late medieval Old Norse–Icelandic texts: Elis saga, Flóvents saga, Bevers saga, and Bærings saga. All of them are unusual in transmitting versions of Old French chansons de geste whose originals are no longer extant. They are the product of a remarkable combinat- ion of translation, redaction, revision, and adaptation and mark the development of a new genre, the riddarasaga or chivalric saga. As such, they cast significant light not only on the development of Icelandic literature but also on the scope and practice of medieval translation more widely. Marianne Kalinke’s superb translation of these extraordinary and fascinating works is complemented by discreet and thoughtful annotation, as well as a rigorous historical introduction that will be welcomed by scholar and student alike. Found in Translation, in short, should serve as an excellent introduction to the intertwined history of both French and Scandinavian literature in the Middle Ages.
-- Jürg Glauser University of Zurich and University of Basel